Dervila O' Sullivan

Dervila found Yoga in 2017 as a way to heal and connect more positively with her body and mind after years of feeling emotionally drained and disconnected. She had always envisioned Yoga to be inaccessible to herself. As she held the belief you had to be extremely flexible and move like models on Instagram in breathtaking Asanas. However, when she went to my first class it was such an amazing experience and so different from what she had expected.

Dervila’s first ever Yoga class was a gentle class with Rachel Lee, who also teaches at Mynd. Her love of Yoga was born that evening. The moment she walked into the room, Rachel’s warmth and kind manner of teaching made her feel completely relaxed. The profound effect it had on Dervila was indescribable. From that first class, it brought the desire to give that feeling of complete peace within oneself and happiness in her body to others. As she walked home that evening, she knew she wanted to become a yoga teacher herself. Dervila knew that she wanted to give that wonderful gift that she had received to others.

Rachel has been an inspiration to learn from and she was absolutely hooked. Having always had a love of mythology and spirituality, Yoga also offered her the chance to bring the more hidden parts of herself out into her everyday life. Dervila has a love of meditation and mindfulness since childhood, but it was the discovery of Pranayama that brought an instant love of Yoga. After years of anxiety around poor breathing techniques she discovered the power of breathwork in supporting the body and mind. Along the way she received deep personal healing which unfolded from slowing down and listening to her body. 

Dervila has loved transitioning from attending classes as a student to teaching Yoga classes of her own. Her passion for learning has continued, since then she has completed several different trainings including Yoga for Children, cacao circles, sound healing and Rahanni among others. She feels she will always be studying and training in one course or another. She loves to teach Yoga classes and regularly host soundbaths, cacao circles and one to one healing sessions. 

Dervila teaches in a gentle way that encourages students to experience each time they practice with kindness and love for their bodies. To not place pressure or expectations on themselves to be as strong or flexible as previous classes. She guides her students to meet themselves with where they are in their energy at that moment, to enjoy and experience how the Asana feels in their body that day.

She feels that the moment she began her Yoga journey and signed up for that first class was one of the best decisions she has made so far in her life. 

Mindful Flow Yoga 

A gentle class designed to weave movement, breathe and intention to draw awareness to the details of the body in each pose. 

Guided with breath and meditative movements, this class allows students to build to a stronger side if they wish before sinking back to comforting familiarity and deep relaxation. 

An accessible flow that encourages students to be mindful of their bodies needs. Each class is created to be sensitive to the energy of the body each evening. Suitable for beginner students or more experienced practitioners. 

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